Thank you, a note on healing, and a welcome

Thanks for being here, friends!  I am so glad you will be joining me as we journey through the calendar paintings in 2025!

If you would like to join our mailing list, please email me at:

Thank you!

The proceeds from your purchase in my shop go directly to my current medical expenses.  The immediate use of those funds will be a haircut, a dentist appointment, and a new experimental treatment that I started this past fall.

The haircut- the haircut is being included because I have matts in my hair.  I am unable to take care of my hair the way I used to- so I either let my precious mom work on it for hours or she cuts it for me.  It's been a really long time since I've had a professional cut- I'm hoping my hair girl can help with the matting and still give me something that looks half way decent.  I am nervous about this appointment, but I know it needs to be done.

The dentist- I recently started having problems with some of my teeth.  I went to my dentist to get to the bottom of it.   My dentist let me know that I've got some heavy duty issues that have come up as a side effect from 2 of my medications.  I'm having some work done in early December to help the problem.  You can join me in praying for wisdom about medication and discernment about the best path forward.

New treatment- by the time you get 3 years in to a brain problem you basically lose all faith in the medical system.  I counted not long ago and I've been seen by over 40 medical professionals.  I can count on one hand the good ones.  So when it was recommended I try this new therapy, I inwardly rolled by eyes.  However, after some prayer I decided to try it.  It hasn't given me my life back, but it has helped so much!  I've already had some sessions, and my family has noticed a difference in my stamina and focus!  Praise be to God!

Long way to say, thank you so much for ordering.  Your financial help is what allows me to continue receiving medical care.  In the past you have helped me go to physical therapy, occupational therapy, cognitive therapy, spinal therapy, acupuncture therapy, speech therapy, sensory therapy, and some counseling.  Not to mention all the tests, rides in the ambulance, and hospital stays that you have helped me pay.


My bucket list remains:

-Go back to church

-Read for more than 10 minutes

-Move my head, neck, eyes without an onslaught of symptoms

-Return to some type of work

-Tolerate light & noise

-Drive again


In Exodus 15, God tells the Israelites a new name for Himself: Jehovah-Rapha.  It means "the LORD who heals."  He is speaking to them after crossing the Red Sea and tells them, "I, the LORD, am your healer."  God does this within the context of the Israelites complaining to Moses about water.  God tells them to obey His commands and that He is their healer.  

I find myself a lot like the Israelites in these verses- complaining about my immediate desires and God is there patiently healing my heart, mind, and body one step at a time.  He is Jehovah-Rapha - He is the Lord who heals.  Healing may not always look the way we want on this side of heaven, but for God's people- there is always healing to be found.  I mentioned earlier about those 5/40 good doctors. Want to know something good about that?  It's okay.  Is it frustrating and hard?  Yes, absolutely.  But my hope is not in the best doctor or the latest brain therapy- if we are in Christ our hope is found in Him alone.  My health (and yours) are in God's hands not the hands of a human doctor.  Does God use doctors? Yes! I praise God for them!  But ultimately, He is the one who brings the healing.

If you're still waiting on some healing, be encouraged!  Take heart!  His understanding is more than we can fathom.  You're not in it alone- He is there.  Just ask Him.

Hello New Readers!

Last but not least, since we have some new readers this year I want to introduce myself.  My name is Emily and I love to paint.  In 2021, I experienced a traumatic brain injury that significantly altered my quality of life.  Two years later in 2023 I experienced a "stroke event."  Both events affected my arms and muscle control, so for a while I didn't know if I'd ever paint again.  But thanks to Jesus and a lot of therapy- I regained the ability to paint.  I am so grateful for that.  I don't even have words to put with it. I simply have to praise God and thank Him for another day with my hands.

I don't think anyone ever anticipates their health to take over their life- I certainly didn't at 30 years old, but that is what happened.  It has been a journey of taking it one step at a time and Jesus has been faithful all the way.

To learn more about my story click on the links below or at the top of the webpage.

"My Story" tells what originally happened in 2021 and gives a few updates since then.

"The Bear" tells about my service dog, Winnie.

"PCS" tells about some tools I have found to be personally helpful when it comes to TBIs. 

"Artsy" tells about my personal story with art.  It also lists my favorite supplies and artists.

This chart lays out my TBI symptoms really well.  If you wonder what my TBI days feel like, this chart gives you a small glimpse.  I have personally struggled with every single item on the chart as well as a few that are not listed.

Iverson, G. L. (1AD, January 1). Network analysis and Precision Rehabilitation for the post-concussion syndrome. Frontiers. Retrieved November 6, 2022, from


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