LORD, our Lord, how majestic is Your name in all the earth! -Psalm 8:1

How are you doing today?
Do you have peace?
Are you in panic?
Are you indifferent?

There seems to be so much noise in my life right now.  Clamor, banging cymbals, fear mongering, boasting...whew I'm exhausted just typing that.  And to be honest, that's just my social media feed...that doesn't count the fears and worries that swirl around in my own heart and mind each day.

And yet, David reminds us in this Psalm that God cares about us.  In the great expanse of the universe, we humans are small creatures.  We don't even compare to the size of a polar bear or the ocean, much less the galaxy.  What is man, that You are mindful of him?  That is David's question.  Have you ever stopped to ponder how small we really are?  Yet, we are so loved by a God who is so mindful of us. 

Psalm 8:

My dear Christian, if you are distraught today, may I gently ask you "where are you putting your hope?"  

I have had to wrestle with this question a lot over the last 3 years.  It is so easy for me to get fixated and tangled in with what is next: 
Will this be denied by insurance? 
Will the side effects of that new medication wear off?
Can my eyes heal without that other therapy?
Will my memory ever be the way it was?
When am I going to recognize the girl in the pictures before 2021?
Will my head ever not hurt again?

See, I just get started and it's an endless mess...

I wonder what would be on your list of worries.  I'm not suggesting you wallow in them, but rather take them before the throne of grace and ask your Maker to give you His perspective.

These are a few of the verses He has given me: 

"Do not put your trust in princes, in human beings, who cannot save.  When their spirit departs, they return to the ground; on that very day their plans come to nothing.  Blessed are those whose help is in the God of Jacob, whose hope is in the Lord their God." - Psalm 146:3-5

"...But seek first His kingdom and His righteousness, and all these things will be given to you as well.  Therefore, do not worry about tomorrow, for tomorrow will worry about itself.  Each day has enough trouble of its own." 
- Jesus, Matthew 6:33-34

"Let us fix our eyes on Jesus, the author and perfector of our faith, who for the joy set before Him endured the cross, scorning its shame, and sat down at the right hand of the throne of God."
 -Hebrews 12:2

"So we fix our eyes not on what is seen, but on what is unseen, since what is seen is temporary, but what is unseen is eternal." -2 Corinthians 4:18

Has He given you scripture to combat your worries?  Ask Him.  He will be faithful to show you.

If you want an idea of where to start, skim this list created by Jennifer Rothschild and ask the Spirit to help you see your worries from the Throne of the Almighty:

In Genesis, God fashions you with His hands

In Exodus, God delivers you from slavery 

In Leviticus, God grants you access to him 

In Numbers, God shelters you in cities of refuge 

In Deuteronomy, God keeps his Covenant of love to you and to a thousand generations 

In Joshua, God gives you divine purpose 

In Judges, God shows you mercy in spite of repeated failures 

In Ruth, your Kinsman Redeemer graphs you into His family 

In 1st Samuel, God anoints you with His Spirit

In 2nd Samuel, God builds a home for you

In 1st Kings, God remains faithful to you 

In 2nd Kings, God shows you loving patience

In 1st Chronicles, God grants you success 

In 2nd Chronicles, God makes your prayers powerful 

In Ezra, God's persistent love restores you 

In Nehemiah, God gives you tools to rebuild all that is broken 

In Esther, God crowns you with worth and makes you royalty 

In Job, God sustains you through suffering 

In Psalms, your Good Shepherd draws you close

In Proverbs, God offers you wisdom more precious than rubies 

In Ecclesiastes, God gives meaning to your meaninglessness

In Song of Songs, the Lover of your soul draws you to run after Him 

In Isaiah, God reveals to you the Savior 

In Jeremiah, God sees your tears and gives you hope 

In Lamentations, God grants you new mercy every morning 

In Ezekiel, God brings life to your dead bones 

In Daniel, God joins you in the fire

In Hosea, God pursues you to buy you back 

In Joel, God restores the years the locust have eaten

In Amos, God protects you when you feel powerless

In Obadiah, God stands up for you 

In Jonah, God uses an imperfect man to fulfill His perfect plan

In Micah, God invites you to walk humbly with Him 

In Nahum, God gives you refuge in times of trouble

In Habakkuk, God places your lowliness in High Places

In Zephaniah, the Mighty God sings over you with great joy

In Haggai, God Himself dwells and you and gives you peace 

In Zechariah, God assures you of His coming 

In Malachi, God pours out His blessing on you 

In Matthew, God puts on human flesh just to seek and save you 

In Mark, God stills the storm in your soul 

In Luke, the Good Samaritan sees you when you're broken and comes to your aid 

In John, God gives you everlasting life 

In Acts, God's Spirit comes to life in you 

In Romans, God works all things together for your good

In 1st Corinthians, God teaches you the way of love 

In 2nd Corinthians, God comforts you 

In Galatians, God sets you free

In Ephesians, God lavishes you with grace 

In Philippians, God gives you joy 

In Colossians, God completes you 

In 1st Thessalonians, God returns to bring you home with Him

In 2nd Thessalonians, God stands with you when you are persecuted

In 1st Timothy God entrust you with a high calling

In 2nd Timothy God gives you the Spirit of power

In Titus, God steps into your confusion with a love that saves me 

In Philemon, God turns your slavery into brotherhood and 

In Hebrews, God invites you to come boldly before His throne 

In James, God refines your faith 

In 1st Peter, God gives you victory in suffering 

In 2nd Peter, God gives you everything you need for life and godliness

In 1st John, God makes you clean

In 2nd John, God shows you how to finish well 

In 3rd John, God offers you hospitality when you need a place to rest 

In Jude, God keeps you from falling and presents you faultless before His throne

In Revelation, God receives you as His beloved and treasured bride

Rothschild, J. (2016).
66 Ways God Loves You: Experience God’s Love For You In Every Book Of The Bible. Thomas Nelson.

I highly recommend this devotion if you haven't read it!  It can be found on Amazon or Christian Book Distributors.


  1. Emily thank you so very much for this wonderful devotion. I love the verses that you shared, especially the verses Psalm146:3-5. I also loved the list from every book of the Bible of how God reveals Himself to us by Jennifer Rothschild. Thank you so much for refreshing my spirit with your devotion and encouraging words of exhortation and the words from God's word. Love you.


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