LORD, our Lord, how majestic is Your name in all the earth! -Psalm 8:1 How are you doing today? Do you have peace? Are you in panic? Are you indifferent? There seems to be so much noise in my life right now. Clamor, banging cymbals, fear mongering, boasting...whew I'm exhausted just typing that. And to be honest, that's just my social media feed...that doesn't count the fears and worries that swirl around in my own heart and mind each day. And yet, David reminds us in this Psalm that God cares about us. In the great expanse of the universe, we humans are small creatures. We don't even compare to the size of a polar bear or the ocean, much less the galaxy. What is man, that You are mindful of him? That is David's question. Have you ever stopped to ponder how small we really are? Yet, we are so loved by a God who is so mindful of us. Psalm 8: My dear Christian, if you are distraught today, may I gently ask you "where...