For Katie, a most faithful friend who hears the voice of her Shepherd. I love you like you were my own sister. Thank you for being such a precious friend to me. You've been with me and prayed for me through some really hard days. I am so grateful for you! Your love for Jesus radiates through you. "My sheep know my voice; I know them and they follow Me. I give them eternal life, and they shall never perish; no one will snatch them out of my hand." -John 10:27-28 There is SO MUCH that can be said about sheep being used in scripture. I've had a hard time narrowing it down, so I'm just going to include as much as I can and trust the Holy Spirit to guide you to what you need. The Shepherd's Voice I remember being a kid and going on a field trip to a farm. We learned about sheep and how they only respond to the voice of their shepherd. We all took turns trying to call the sheep. The sheep completely ignored all of us....