For Katie,
a most faithful friend who hears the voice of her Shepherd.  I love you like you were my own sister.  Thank you for being such a precious friend to me.  You've been with me and prayed for me through some really hard days.  I am so grateful for you!  Your love for Jesus radiates through you.

"My sheep know my voice; I know them and they follow Me.  I give them eternal life, and they shall never perish; no one will snatch them out of my hand." 
-John 10:27-28

There is SO MUCH that can be said about sheep being used in scripture.  I've had a hard time narrowing it down, so I'm just going to include as much as I can and trust the Holy Spirit to guide you to what you need.

The Shepherd's Voice

I remember being a kid and going on a field trip to a farm.  We learned about sheep and how they only respond to the voice of their shepherd.  We all took turns trying to call the sheep.  The sheep completely ignored all of us.  And then the shepherd stepped forward to call them.  They left their grass and came towards him.  It was mind boggling.  

Remembering that experience as a child and watching the video below brings a pang of conviction in my heart.  It's a question that the Holy Spirit brings out which says, "who are you listening to?"

I find it interesting that God asks Adam and Eve in the garden, "who told you you were naked?" (Gen 3:11a).  Sometimes I hear God ask me a similar question when I am believing lies, "who told you that?"

What lies are you believing?  Ask the Spirit to search your heart.

"who told you that I don't love you?"
"who told you I can't handle it?"
"who told you I would leave?"
"who told you you're condemned?"

These are just a few of the ones I hear the Holy Spirit prick me with.  I wonder what yours is - how would God complete that sentence for you?  

"Who told you_______?"

I want to listen to the Shepherd's voice.  I want to only respond to His calling and let the voice of the evil one just flow through the ears.  So much so that I don't even look up from the patch of grass God has provided.  Oh Lord, help us all to be in tune with You.

Sheep in the Bible

Sheep are mentioned more than any other animal in scripture.  They have a reputation for not being the brightest of animals (and rightly so), which is why it has always been both humbling and humorous to me that God compares us to sheep in the Bible.  I found it encouraging to read through some of the scriptures included in this list: click here to view.

Jesus talks about it more than once, but an especially large section is found in John 10:1-18.  I created a little exercise to go along with the passage in John.  If you are interested, you can access it by clicking here.

Psalm 23 is perhaps the most well know "sheep passage" in the bible.  If you have not read A Shepherd Looks at Psalm 23 by W Philip Keller, I cannot recommend it enough.  It expanded my understanding of sheep in the bible in so many ways.  It is written by a real life shepherd.  He breaks down the psalm verse by verse, phrase by phrase and explains what it means in the farming world.  It is such a good read!  And it is on sale (when this post is published) at CBD for only $2.49!  

Jesus the Great Shepherd

When I first saw this clip, it was titled "Actual footage of Jesus rescuing me from my problems."

While I don't think it applies to salvation (because I believe when you are saved you're saved), I do think it applies to daily life.  This video made me laugh out loud at the relatability of God pulling me up and I immediately find another spot to sink.  Yet, God is so faithful.  He is the good shepherd.  He loves you and cares for you and calls you by name.  

“Fear not, little flock, for it is your Father's good pleasure to give you the kingdom." 
- Luke 12:32


  1. Blessed devotional. They all are. I look forward to reading them every month. God has given you an anointing to reach others, and to show them He is the Shepherd.

  2. Love this, Emily! I've never seen a live display of sheep responding to only the shepherd's voice - amazing! And, oh my word - how much am I like that dumb sheep that God pulls out of the ditch, then leaps gleefully right back in!!!! Oh, Lord, thank You for never giving up on us!

  3. Love this..Just beautiful!

  4. Absolutely encouraging. Thank you for sharing. I enjoyed doing the exercise and think it will be a fun activity to share with others and doing similar exercises with more scriptures (during group studies and for myself). I pray you continue to heal and continue to bless others with your art and literature for Gods glory.


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