"Taste & see that the Lord is good; blessed is the one who takes refuge in Him." -Psalm 34:8 TASTING "Taste & see that the Lord is good..." The fruits and veggies that our earth produces, taste best when they are "in season." One of the things I love about summer is the fresh fruits and veggies from a garden or farmers market. Bible scholar Kristi McClelland talks in her podcast Pearls about how Jewish children are introduced to the word of God. The Rabbi will take honey from the honeycomb and go visit kindergarten classes. The children will dip their finger in the honey and raise it to their mouth. As they are tasting it, the Rabbi will tell them "this is what the word of God tastes like." (She tells it better than I do, so I encourage you to listen to it here . She starts talking about the honey around minute 10). The word taste in Psalm 34:8 literally means to "taste or perceive." Like the other times it is used in the...