
Showing posts from June, 2024

JUNE '24

  "...ask and it will be given you; seek and you will find; knock and the door will be opened to you..."  -Matthew 7:7 This sounds like a candy machine formula if I ever heard one.  Yet, I also know that God is not a vending machine.  So what in the world was Jesus saying?  The best way I know to answer that question is to let scripture interpret scripture. If we look at the original words: ask, seek, knock.  The Amplified Bible provides a footnote about these verses which says this:  Matthew 7:7   Here the use of Greek present imperatives (asking, seeking, knocking; vv 7, 8) emphasizes persistent, constant prayer. Continue to ask Continue to seek Continue to knock Do not grow weary in your praying. I must confess (and may God forgive me if this is wrong to share on this platform),  I am weary. I don't know what to write to you because I'm struggling to find my next breath.  Life is hard.  It was hard for Jesus and His disciples and it is hard today.  It has been hard