To be honest when I first picked a verse for this month's painting I just wanted something that spoke of giving thanks because of Thanksgiving.  So I picked the verse in a hurry and didn't pay much attention to the context.  Then I read the entire!

Right here at the very beginning of the chapter we are told "let the redeemed of the Lord tell their story."  If you are redeemed, what is your story?  Have you told it before?  

This psalm is going to breakdown God's redemption into 4 categories: 
1. Those who wandered in desert wasteland
2. Those who sat in darkness
3. Those who walked in rebellious ways
4. Those who went out on the sea in ships

Before you read this psalm with me, pause & ask the Holy Spirit to speak to you.

Pause. Reflect.  
What do you notice?

Pause. Reflect.  
What do you notice?

Pause. Reflect.  
What do you notice?

Pause. Reflect.  
What do you notice?

Pause. Reflect.  
What do you notice?

I think my favorite part of this psalm is how it repeats this phrase:
Then they cried out to the Lord in their trouble, and He brought them out of their distress.

Time and time again, the people are in trouble (often of their own making).  And time after time God delivers them.  

If you are like me and struggle with giving thanks, look to the scriptures.  They can help you.  They often help me when I'm having a pity party instead of giving thanks.

The chapter ends with saying, 
"Let the one who is wise heed these things and ponder the loving deeds of the Lord."

I can't think of a better way to end our November devotional. 
Struggling with giving thanks?  Ponder the loving deeds of the Lord.

What has He done for you? 



  1. One of my favorite songs! Thank you for this devotion and the humble reminder of what it means to truly be thankful.


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