Like several of the paintings in this calendar- this one holds special meaning. It is dedicated to my lifelong bestie, Shannon. We met in 2nd grade and have been keeping each other laughing ever since. We learned how to drive together, laughed until our sides have hurt, and have cried together. When my mom let a few close friends know about my head injury, Shannon hopped in the car and drove 5+ hours to hang out in the hospital parking lot while I was inside. She brought me granola bars, face wipes and bottled water. She is my sister and very dear friend. Thanks for sharing your verse with us this month, Shan. "Surely goodness and mercy shall follow me all the days of my life; and I will dwell in the house of the LORD forever." -Psalm 23:6 What follows you around? Your kids? Your dog? Your phone? Your past? According to this verse, the goodness and mercy of the Lord are what follow you. This verse begins with the word "su...